Why you should clean the TV remote and AC remote in your Hotel Room

Why it is absolutely necessary to clean the TV remote and AC remote in your hotel room

Why you should clean the TV remote and AC remote in your Hotel Room
Image Source - https://pixabay.com/en/remote-control-tv-electronic-2717777/
If you are one among the many persons that travel to different places, you are no stranger to hotel rooms. Everything seems alright when you check into a hotel room. Not really! Are we sure the remotes we use to operate the TV and AC are clean?

Staying at a luxurious hotel is a memorable experience, especially with the different amenities offered. We stay at hotel either when we go for a vacation to a new place or when we are required to go on official work. Most reputed hotels maintain rooms well. Job of ensuring a room is clean for guests is given to hotel housekeeping. Make no mistake the housekeeping staff do a great job. However, hotel guests should insist on getting TV remotes and AC remotes cleaned before they check in hotel rooms.

Why? Well, because remotes are the dirtiest items in a hotel room and a dwelling place for germs.It may come as a surprise, but remotes in hotel rooms are extremely dirty and should be cleaned thoroughly before use.

When we are at a hotel we do not give much thought to what lies around us. There are certain items in a hotel room that we go ahead and use instantaneously. The most commonly used items in a hotel room are the TV remote and the AC remote, which is why they are the dirtiest. Guests stay throughout the year in hotel rooms. The same TV remote and AC remote are used by different guests during their stay at a hotel room. These items exchange hands frequently.and are a a dwelling place for germs, a l;ot of germs.

TV remotes and AC remotes are a dwelling place for germs, lots of germs. It’s not that guests leave their mannerisms at home, but it is a known fact that a large number of guests in hotel rooms use remotes without washing their hands after using the bathroom/toilet and thereby potentially increase the risk of germ infestation. If you are checking into a hotel, always insist on getting TV remotes and AC remotes cleaned…disinfected…sanitized to kill germs.

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