Visiting the AlAin zoo in Abu Dhabi in the UAE

AlAin zoo in Abu Dhabi in the UAE

Visiting the AlAin zoo in Abu Dhabi in the UAE
Image Source - Photo by the author
No visit to Dubai is complete without a visit to the famous Alain zoo in the green belt of Abu Dhabi with all its exotic animals.

I have already written that a visit to Dubai is like going on a visit to Eldorado. Dubai is a part of the UAE and the capital city is Abu Dhabi about 150 km from Dubai. This is an extremely exotic place also and covers a vaster area than Dubai.  From the city of Dubai, one can take a cab or a bus to the city of Alain. This is part of the green belt of the UAE and the desert has been transformed into a land of greenery with trees and lawns.

Close to Alain is located the famous zoo. It charges 100 AED ( $25) as entrance fee and will require a complete day. The Zoo is a replica of the habitats of the animals and going through this vast place will give the visitor a new insight into the wildlife of the planet.

Despite the high temperatures during the summer, the authorities supported by a retinue of helpers/workers from the sub-continent work to help the animals survive the heat. many are kept in air-conditioned enclosures but many adjust to the heat like the African lions.

The zoo has exotic animals which will delight adults and children. One can see the big cats, lions and tigers, Rhinoceroses and elephants, alligators and crocodiles and even small animals like the stork and ibis and the eagles. its a wonderland of animals and to keep you company is a number of eating joints that will serve you anything. On the day I went, an only beef burger was available and veg, of course, was there, but better to leave food fads back at home.

You will need a full day and if you want to walk around its OK, but an electric car is available for $10 to take you around. If you are short on time, no harm on hopping on it. The zoo does not have the Indian great Asiatic lion, and I mentioned this in the suggestion book. A great way to spend a day. If you visit do let me know. 

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