Visit the city of Angels: Los Angeles

A quick guide to visiting Los Angeles

Visit the city of Angels: Los Angeles
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Discover and be amazed to the city with sprawling complex of commerce and recreation. Be amazed to the City of Angels.

Article Updated: October 05, 2017

Like other cities of the United States, the huge city of Los Angeles in southern California could also reveal a spectacular urban trend. Proofs are in getting the chief business, financial, and trade center of the Western United States.
The nation’s 2nd largest city after New York City is the home of many famous, wealthy and popular celebrities, making it known throughout the world for film and television industry. It is also the home of many people from diverse backgrounds. With its population of 9.6 million according to, about 1million living are immigrants (LA Times). Most of them had the purpose to work but of course, the city’s attractions also outlined their movement to stay and live. 

Tourists would no longer contemplate to travel in the area since all the criteria of meeting their enjoyments can achieved. Famous beaches, ski resorts, recreational facilities, cultural and entertainment attractions- these are some of the reasons to give them the enjoyment they want. 

Listed below are some of the landmark and famous attractions in Los Angeles

The Hollywood Bowl is a huge open-air theatre that is notable for its symphony concerts. Lloyd Wright, Frank Lloyd Wright’s son  designed the band shell which was completed in 1929.

2. The Griffith Observatory is a major attraction of Griffith Park which covers more than 1,600 hectares.

3. The City Hall which stands in the heart of central Los Angeles is considered to be one of the city’s best landmarks. It has 30 floors and the structure is part of a group of government buildings that comprise the Civic Center.

4. The Hollywood sign on Mount Lee overlooks the famous film district.

5. The Paul J. Getty Museum is a building modeled like an Ancient Roman Villa. United States billionaire J. Paul Getty (1892-1976) houses his magnificent art collections in this landmark.

6. The Old Plaza is a charming public square in El Pueblo de Los Angeles Historic Park. The square was founded in 1781 by pioneers from Mexico. The Pueblo resembles a village of Old Mexico.

7. Disneyland is a world famous theme park near Los Angeles. The film producer Walt Disney (1901-1966), creator of such celebrated cartoon characters as Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck, opened the park in 1955. Most of the attractions at the park are based on Disney characters.

Discover more about Los Angeles. There are more to discover when you travel there!

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