If anyone wants solitude they can see Shankarpur .

The serenity of Shankarpur haunts visitors

If anyone wants solitude they can see Shankarpur .
Image Source - This is my work

Certain section of tourists don’t like busy thoroughfare. For them peace and solitude matter more. They can see Shankarpur. Shankarpur is a beautiful sea resort where a lot of tourists flock at different times of the year. It is close to one of West Bengal’s brilliant sea beaches Digha.

Shankarpur is easily accessible by roadways from Kolkata. It takes only 4 hours in a bus or car to reach Shankarpur. There are beautiful fisheries being created by West Bengal Government in the place.

Certain section of tourists don’t like busy thoroughfare. For them peace and solitude matter more. They can see Shankarpur. Shankarpur is a beautiful sea resort where a lot of tourists flock at different times of the year. It is close to one of West Bengal’s brilliant sea beaches Digha.

Shankarpur is easily accessible by roadways from Kolkata. It takes only 4 hours in a bus or car to reach Shankarpur.

There are beautiful fisheries being created by West Bengal Government in the place.

The beauty of Shankarpur lies in its solitude. Till now it had not been infested by huge population. There is a huge section of the population who don’t like crowds. People stay in urbanized areas, work in IT centres and other places and get tired of city life. For them Shankarpur is definitely a place mind can be refreshed. There are beautiful cashew-nut forests around the sea beaches. In recent reportings in different newspapers the majority of the population had accepted the fact that people of different ages like sea shores more than any other travel destination.

There is a beautiful tourist resort named Matsagandha in Shankarpur. It is situated in between a forest near the sea-shore. There are many other private hotels where visitors can come and spend weekends or sometime. The sea is very calm in Shankarpur. Lot of Ice factories are situated where the fishes are stored. Fishes like Pabda, Chingri, Topse, Hilsa are caught in the sea, stored in the Ice factory and then transported to different parts of West Bengal. People in West Bengal are habitual fish eaters. So the fishes that are caught in the sea-shores by different fishermen are processed for sale and distributed to different whole-sellers who later sell them to the retailers.

The other attraction of Shankarpur lies in the food that is served in the hotels. There are many delicacies of fish that are served in the hotels including crabs, prawns, shrimps and authentic sea-fishes. Many Bengali films are shot in the exotic locations of Shankarpur. The directors, cameramen, producers like the yellow sands, deep blue sea and clear sky blue sky in Shankarpur.

There are beautiful huts and stalls situated around the sea-shores which sell tea and snacks. Lot of tourists play flying –saucer, badminton in the shores in Shankarpur. Visitors flock to Shankarpur also in monsoon season. It rains heavily in West Bengal. Seeing rain from sea-shore is a very pleasant experience. Winter is the best period to visit the tourist destination. Visitors should visit Shankarpur once in their lifetime.

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