Top 5 places to visit in Pakistan

Five Destinations For a Traveller to Visit Pakistan

Top 5 places to visit in Pakistan
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The top five destination to see in Pakistan as a traveler due to its wide array of scenic beauty ranging from lash green landscapes in the northern areas to historic places like Badshah Mosque that represent a rich culture of the Mughals who once ruled the area in the subcontinent

“For my part, I travel not to go anywhere, but to go. I travel for travel’s sake. The great affair is to move.” – Robert Louis Stevenson

Pakistan is always in the news for not so right reasons but the country is a host to one of beautiful scenic landscape and breathtaking sights in the world bearing semblance to the Swiss Alps in Europe. The destination is known as one of popular tourist hot spots in the world.

Pakistan is country with rich cultures from turban clad tribal people of Balochistan to most unique culture of Gilgit-Baltistan.The range of diversity is endless as the country is known for wide range of  historical monuments, artifacts and pre-historic places like Mohenjo Daro and Mehrgarh will leaves all the visitors wondering and craving for more

when they visit the country.

I will share with you all the fascinating things one can do as a visitor to the country for the first time as Pakistan is place full of different types of cultures, attires, foods and places to visit.

1. Badshah Mosque

Badshahi Mosque is the most fascinating places to visit as the mosque epitomizes the glorious era of Mughal Empire who built some beautiful monument with such grandeur and finesse to leave the visitors in awe. The Mosque is among the largest in the world and can hold over 50,000 in attendance at one time.



In the times of hot and humid prevalent in the country, Murree seems to be the best exodus for visitors to heavenly place full of green trees and snowy peaks. There is always hustle and bustle during the summers as a lot of people come to the place to enjoy the cool weather. On days when there are clear skies, people can take glimpse of snowy peaks of Kashmir and Nanga Parbat.

3. Lake Saiful Malook

One of the spell binding and mesmerizing sites on view is situated in the Kaghan Valley and is located at highest altitude of over 10,000 feet above sea level. At winters it was even looks more beautiful and there are quite fables related to place. This place is to not be missed for any reasons.

4. Shahi Qila or Lahore Fort

The Fort shows a wide range of places, mosques and fortified walls that was made in the eleventh century. The structure is believed to be gone for an overhaul made by Mughal Emperor Akbar in 16th century.

5. Food Street Lahore

The next stop is the food street Lahore that provides people to wide range of cuisines such as Tikka, Kebabs and Pakoras.The famous scrumptious meals like Sree Paye and Nihari will leave you craving for more.


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